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Neither. Experimental or theoretical probabilities are methods that may be used to determine the probability that a given set of numbers will win, whereas your winning is the outcome of the event.

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Q: When you win a lotto is this an example of experimental or theoretical probability?
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What is the probability of winning the jackpot if you play the Florida lotto?

I bet that you will find it printed on the back of any Florida Lotto ticket.

How can you put probability in a sentence?

I prefer to play the lotto games with the smaller prizes because the probability of winning something is much greater.

How does experimental probability 43 out of 53 compare with theoretical probability 0.50?

43/53 = 0.81 : This is not even close to the theoretical probability of 0.50 ; With 0.50, the expected outcome is 26.5 out of 53. I would expect not to get 26 or 27, though - but a range from 21 to 33 (out of 53) would be in my expectations. Imagine coin tosses (probability = 0.5): it is possible to get 43 out of 53, but the chance of this happening is very very small. I don't remember the exact formulas, but consider this: flip a coin 5 times. There are 32 possible outcomes. Only 6 of these 32 would give a 1 out of 5 (or less). This is 6/32 or about 19%. So to get 40 (or more) out of 50, you would need to get 4 (or more) out of 5, ten times, or (6/32)^10 = about 1 in 18 million. To get 43 (or more) out of 53 would be even a smaller chance than this. This is on the scale of chances of winning the lotto (definitely possible, but not probable).

What is probability explain in detail?

Probability is the likelyhood that some particular outcome will occur. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, with 0 meaning there is no likelyhood at all, and with 1 meaning it is guaranteed to happen.A simple example is the flipping of a coin. There is a 0.5 probability of getting heads, and there is a 0.5 probability of getting tails. Assuming a fair coin.Another example is a standard deck of 52 playing cards. There is a 0.25 probability of getting a Heart, and there is a 0.75 probability of not getting a Heart.Probability is not an exact predictor of outcome. If you flipped a coin 100 times, for instance, you would expect about 50 of the throws to be heads, but you will not get that exact outcome. Even if you throw the coin 10 million times, you will not get exactly 5 million heads. What happens is that, as the number of trials increases, the closer the experimental results are to the theoretical probability.One important factor of probability is that the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to the number of all possible trials. Stated another way, the sum of all probabilities is always equal to exactly 1. Stated yet another way, the probability that something is going to happen is 1.This can get complicated, particularly when the number of outcomes is large. Take the New York State lottery game Lotto, for instance - you pick 6 numbers out of 59 - there are so many popssible results that special mathematics (the science of permutations and combinations) is used to do that calculation. In this case, there are 45,057,474 combinations of 59 things taken 6 at a time, so the odds of winning the jackpot on one game is 1 is 45,057,474 or about a probability of 0.00000002194. Another way to say this is that the probability of not winning the jackpot is about 0.9999999778.I have only scratched the surface on this topic. Any other contributor is, as always, welcome to refine this answer.

Probability of winning the lottery?

To calculate the odds of winning lotto where choose say 6 numbers out of 40 for example the calculation is 40X39X38X37X36X35 divided by 6X5X4X3X2X1 or about 3.8 million to 1 on any one line. If you have 45 numbers to choose from it would be 45X44X43X42X41X40/6X......etc or about 8.2 million to 1.

Related questions

What is the probability of winning the jackpot if you play the Florida lotto?

I bet that you will find it printed on the back of any Florida Lotto ticket.

How can you put probability in a sentence?

I prefer to play the lotto games with the smaller prizes because the probability of winning something is much greater.

Can i cheat in lotto?

yes you can cheat it by means of probability === No, you cannot cheat a lottery. It is random.

What is the probables hearing nowinning combination for 3D swertries lotto for today 2 5 14-?

The probability of hearing no winning combination for the 3D swertries lotto for today 2.5.2014 is 50%.

How does experimental probability 43 out of 53 compare with theoretical probability 0.50?

43/53 = 0.81 : This is not even close to the theoretical probability of 0.50 ; With 0.50, the expected outcome is 26.5 out of 53. I would expect not to get 26 or 27, though - but a range from 21 to 33 (out of 53) would be in my expectations. Imagine coin tosses (probability = 0.5): it is possible to get 43 out of 53, but the chance of this happening is very very small. I don't remember the exact formulas, but consider this: flip a coin 5 times. There are 32 possible outcomes. Only 6 of these 32 would give a 1 out of 5 (or less). This is 6/32 or about 19%. So to get 40 (or more) out of 50, you would need to get 4 (or more) out of 5, ten times, or (6/32)^10 = about 1 in 18 million. To get 43 (or more) out of 53 would be even a smaller chance than this. This is on the scale of chances of winning the lotto (definitely possible, but not probable).

What is the chance or probability that a US citizen will win a lottery over 50million?

Don't get carried away with playing the lotto. The odds of winning the next $11 million jackpot in the Lotto games are 1 in 15.8 million.

Which number appear most often for minnesota hot lotto?

Apparent tendencies from the past don't indicate future tendencies in such a case. If during the last year some number appeared more frequently, that was a coincidence, and it won't affect the probability of the number appearing again in the next lotto drawing. The numbers are random, each number should have the same probability.

What is probability explain in detail?

Probability is the likelyhood that some particular outcome will occur. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, with 0 meaning there is no likelyhood at all, and with 1 meaning it is guaranteed to happen.A simple example is the flipping of a coin. There is a 0.5 probability of getting heads, and there is a 0.5 probability of getting tails. Assuming a fair coin.Another example is a standard deck of 52 playing cards. There is a 0.25 probability of getting a Heart, and there is a 0.75 probability of not getting a Heart.Probability is not an exact predictor of outcome. If you flipped a coin 100 times, for instance, you would expect about 50 of the throws to be heads, but you will not get that exact outcome. Even if you throw the coin 10 million times, you will not get exactly 5 million heads. What happens is that, as the number of trials increases, the closer the experimental results are to the theoretical probability.One important factor of probability is that the sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to the number of all possible trials. Stated another way, the sum of all probabilities is always equal to exactly 1. Stated yet another way, the probability that something is going to happen is 1.This can get complicated, particularly when the number of outcomes is large. Take the New York State lottery game Lotto, for instance - you pick 6 numbers out of 59 - there are so many popssible results that special mathematics (the science of permutations and combinations) is used to do that calculation. In this case, there are 45,057,474 combinations of 59 things taken 6 at a time, so the odds of winning the jackpot on one game is 1 is 45,057,474 or about a probability of 0.00000002194. Another way to say this is that the probability of not winning the jackpot is about 0.9999999778.I have only scratched the surface on this topic. Any other contributor is, as always, welcome to refine this answer.

What is the plural for lotto?


Probability of winning the lottery?

To calculate the odds of winning lotto where choose say 6 numbers out of 40 for example the calculation is 40X39X38X37X36X35 divided by 6X5X4X3X2X1 or about 3.8 million to 1 on any one line. If you have 45 numbers to choose from it would be 45X44X43X42X41X40/6X......etc or about 8.2 million to 1.

How do you calculate your odds of winning at lotto if you spend 1 dollar on an entry?

Odds are expressed as a ratio of probability of winning versus probability of not winning. Consider a simple example of tossing a fair dice where you "win" if it lands on three. P(three):P(not three) = (1/6) : (5/6) = 1:5 . So your odds of winning are 5 to 1 against. Now let's imagine to win lotto you need to guess 6 numbers correctly out of 45 and each guess costs $1. Probability of winning (from 1 guess) = 1/(45 x 44 x 43 x 42 x 41 x 40) = 0.000000000171 Probability of not winning = 1-P(winning) = 0.999999999829 So the odds are 0.000000000171:0.999999999829 = 1:5,864,443,199 or just under 6 billion to 1 against!

What are some of the games offered by the UK National Lotto?

Let's see, this type of Lotto offers Lotto Hotpicks, Lotto Thunderball, Lotto Plus 5, EuroMillions, The Scratch Off Cards, Lotto Extra, the Dream Number, and The Daily Play.