their are many many types of 48 volt systems you need to show or state more info on your system
A 220 vac circuit has 2 hot wires and a neutral. The neutral stays at 0 volts and the hot wires vary between positive and negative. When one is positive, the other is negative.
All you have to do is turn on the car into ignition area and grab a voltage meter. Find positive first, to do this, find a good ground spot on your vehicle, such as a screw or metal, than with the red meter wire, go around til you find one that makes the volt meter go up... that is your power wire. Now, go from that wire, and check for your ground wire. Hold the positive wire onto the positive spot on your vehicle, and use the black wire to check until the meter goes up, that is your ground. Now you are done.
volt is a measurement of electricity
The volt.
A milliVolt.
You only need 2 12 volt batteries to get 24 volts. Join the negative post on one battery to the positive post on the other battery with a cable then connect the remaining positive and negative posts to the vehicle that has a 24 volt system.
Assuming the truck has a 12 volt system, connect the batteries in parallel, that is positive to positive and negative to negative.
Remove any wiring from batteries, connect positive post of one battery to the negative post on the other battery. You now have a 12 volt battery system. Connect your charger to to unused positive and negative posts and they will charge as a 12 volt battery. Need more help contact me through my board and I will try to help
Remove any wiring from batteries, connect positive post of one battery to the negative post on the other battery. You now have a 12 volt battery system. Connect your charger to to unused positive and negative posts and they will charge as a 12 volt battery. Need more help contact me through my board and I will try to help.
The batteries will have to be connected in parallel. Connect both positive posts to the starter solenoid and both negative posts to the frame.
The 1960 Thunderbird was 12 volt negative ground. The 1955 Thunderbird was 6 volt positive ground and 1956 and up was 12 volt negative ground.
You would wire them in "Parallel". That means positive post to positive post and negative to negative. Two 12 volt batteries wired this way doubles the capacity and amperage capability of the system. It does not cause any harm to the electrical system as the system sees them as one big battery.
If you have two 6 volt batteries you can take a jumper wire and connect the negative post on one battery to the positive post on the other battery then connect the remaining pos and neg posts to the 12 volt battery charger.
If the 49 dodge truck is still on it's original 6 volt electrical system it is positive ground. All 6 volt auto systems are/were positive ground. All 12 volt systems are negative ground.
You conect them in parelell. Positive to positive, negative to negative, with either a 12 or 6 volt system. if you conect them in series you will double the voltage.
Yes, this tractor has a positive ground system. It may have been retrofitted to 12 volt negative ground over the years though.
If your 1949 truck is a CHEVY or GMC and it still has the original electrical system, it would be 6 volt, negative ground. If it is a Dodge or a Ford with the oringinal electrical system it would be 6 volt, positive ground.