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Q: Where are the quantities measured by a meter?
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What Meter Dose 63 cm Convert To?

"Dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. I am not aware of any lengths that have measured quantities of medication! 63 cm is equivalent to 0.67 metres.

What are the specifications af a Multi meter?

A Multi meter is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several functions into one unit. The quantities measured are voltage, current, and resistance. The specifications can be found in the instruction manual.

What physical quantities measured by meter stick?

A meter stick can measure length in meters and centimeters. It is also useful for measuring, drawing straight lines, and serving as a straight edge.

Is a container a meter long and what can be measured in meter and what can be measured in a liter?

it can be measured in meters (m) using a ruler

Ratio that compares 2 quantities measured in different units?

ratio that compares 2 quantities measured in diiferent units

What can be measured by a meter?

a meter ruler

Milk is measured in what quantities?

Milk is a liquid. liquids are measured in liters.

Are tracks at track and field meets measured in meters or yards?

They are measured in meters. Example, 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 400 meter dash, 800 meter dash, 1600 meter run, 400 meter relay, 1600 meter relay etc.

What is a quantity that can be measured?

A quantity that can be measured is length, which describes how long or short an object is. It can be measured in units like inches, centimeters, meters, etc.

What is derive quantities with explanation?

Derived quantities are physical quantities that are calculated from one or more base quantities using mathematical operations. These derived quantities are not independent and depend on the base quantities for their definition. Examples include velocity (calculated from distance and time) and acceleration (calculated from velocity and time).

How is bill of quantities measured?

A Bill of Quantities is measured using standard units of measurement such as area (sqm), length (m), volume (m³), or number (no.). Quantities are typically measured according to industry standards and specifications to ensure consistency and accuracy in estimating the costs of construction projects.

How are the three fundamental quantities measured?

The three fundamental quantities are length, mass, and time. Length is typically measured using a ruler or tape measure, mass is measured using a scale, and time is measured using a clock or stopwatch. Each of these quantities has specific units of measurement such as meters for length, kilograms for mass, and seconds for time.