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Q: Where are three places where ice is stored?
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Where is surface water stored?

Surface water is stored in a variety of places including lakes, rivers, ponds, and reservoirs. It can also be stored temporarily in wetlands, floodplains, and in the form of snow and ice in colder regions.

Where do people use ice?

people use ice at places such as partys so they can have fresh cold bevrages. Also so they can have food stored so they can eat doring the party.

Ice is to freezer as wheat is to?

The answer is silo. Ice is stored in a freezer, and wheat is stored in a silo.

When water is frozen it is stored as either?

When water is frozen, it is stored as ice.

Why is ice stored with common salt and stored in ice cream factories?

Salt on the ice slows the melting process and is an ingredient in ice cream.

Where are the Folders on your Computer stored for on a mac?

They can be stored in either of three places. The Macintosh HD, the desktop, or the Documents folder. To create your own folder, go to file, then new folder.

Which continent has the least freshwater stored as ice?

Australia has the least freshwater stored as ice, as it has very limited ice caps and glaciers compared to other continents.

What percentage of earth's fresh water is stored in ice and snow?

Approximately 68.7% of Earth's fresh water is stored in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow.

What is frozen water stored as?

Frozen water is stored as ice.

Is an ice cream sandwich potential energy?

Yes. Because Potential Energy is Stored. So Ice Cream Sandwich IS stored.

Where is the majority of the earths freshwater found?

In the Antarctica and Arctic regions, the freshwater is stored as ice.

Where was food stored in 1940's?

Well if it needed to be stored cold they put it in an 'ice box'. An ice man would deliver blocks of ice a couple of days a week. It was lined with probably tin and was made of wood. It worked provided the ice man came. Before the ice box perishable vegetables were stored underground, where it was cooler.