One can never get the past back; what has come, is gone forever. The only option is to look forward to the future, and to seize every opportunity with no regret.
10:45 - 01:40 = 09:05 five past nine
One hour five minutes
45 minutes is ¾ of one hour.
10 minutes past one
One forty five A. M. One forty five P. M. zero one forty five thirteen forty five
When the clock shows 1:05 i.e the both the hours hand and the minutes hand are at one, then it is five minutes past one or five past one.
Five past one.
It is fifty-five minutes past midnight. Or five minutes to one o'clock am.
12.55 pm is actually five minutes to one o'clock in the afternoon. Or it is fifty-five minutes past noon.
at ten past one
10:45 - 01:40 = 09:05 five past nine
One hour five minutes
One hour and fifteen minutes or seventy-five minutes
45 minutes is ¾ of one hour.
10 minutes past one
57 minutes.
one past ten