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There are many places where one could go in order to get a professional 3D ultrasound. The best place to get professional 3D ultrasounds would be places like an OB/GYN.

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Q: Where can one go for professional 3D Ultrasounds?
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How do 3D ultrasounds work and how detailed are the pictures they take?

3D ultrasounds work by sending sound waves down and around the fetus. The sound wave then bounce back up and are read by software which creates an image, because the sound waves go in more than one direction it allows the picture to be more enhanced and detailed than a regular 2D Ultrasound.

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When I went to go see it, it was. I think it is :) x

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go 2 the stores and ask the professional go 2 the stores and ask the professional go 2 the stores and ask the professional go 2 the stores and ask the professional

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LG Cinema 3D is probably the best one to go for if you want a theater-like 3D experience. LG Cinema 3D series use the same technology as the movie theater 3D screens (as opposed to shutter glasses technology in other 3D tvs). LG Cinema 3D uses lightweight, battery free 3D glasses that give you flicker free and crosstalk free images. You can actually use 3D glasses from movie theaters with LG Cinema 3D (you can't with other 3D tvs).

Do you get 3d glasses when you go to see a 3d movie?

Most 3D movies will have glasses provided at the theater. Some will let you keep them, some will not.

Where did the Jonas brothers go for the 3d movie?

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