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One can purchase a glass jug from the following stores: Asda, Walmart, Tesco, Target, Wilkinson, Amazon, Speciality Bottle, Bed, Bath and Beyond, to name a few.

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Q: Where can one purchase a glass jug?
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Where can one purchase a milk jug online?

One can purchase a milk jug at a variety of online retailers that sell or specialize in housewares. E-commerce websites such as Amazon and eBay will carry milk jugs.

What is the common property of glass jug mug cup bucket?

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How do you get a stuck glass vase out of a ceramic jug?

Ok...I waited a good while for the reply to this, but to no avail. I was desparate to free the glass from the jug, so I had to take desparate measures.... I took a rubber hammer, and hit the side (not the rim) of the glass vase. I hit it gently but firmly, and made the hits rhythmic, not one great wallop after another. Suddenly the glass vase moved. I had to tap the glass a few more times, until it sat upright and straight in the jug. I twisted it one way, then the other, and it suddenly came free. Voila! one free glass from a ceramic jug, with just a couple of grazes to show for it.

How do you thaw a glass jug of frozen water?

Place the jug in a warm room until the ice has thawed. Or, place the jug in a microwave and use the defrosting settings. Don't stand the jug in very hot water, as the glass may shatter.

Why do we need to level off liquid ingredients in flat surface?

If a glass measuring jug is on a sloping table, the liquid inside would also be sloping. From one side the glass measuring jug would appear full and at the required level. On the other side the glass measuring jug would appear slightly less than full.

Why is a glass jug better than a plastic jug when measuring water?

Water "wets" plastic more than glass, giving a lower reading

Where can one purchase a water jug for camping?

One may purchase a water jug for camping at any multipurpose store, such as Kmart, Target, and Walmart. Camping supplies may also be purchased from companies, such as the ones previously stated, online.

Where online can one purchase a Sprayway glass cleaner?

There are many places online where one can purchase a Sprayway glass cleaner. One can purchase a Sprayway glass cleaner at popular on the web sources such as Amazon and eBay.

Why is glass good material for a measuring jug?


How do you Purchase something from PsychopathicTraders If Possible?

Jug,Jug,Jug,Fish ,Cat I love the smell of the dirt in the alley way, sorry I will never know/

What is synonym for cup?

glass, grail, jug, bowl, pail

Why you can pore juice from a large jug into a glass?

because we have the free will