20.2 has three significant figures.
5 significant figures.
6040 has 3 significant figures.
The number 805 has three significant figures.
How many significant figures are in 20.8
There are three significant figures in 00312. Zeros used as placeholders at the beginning of a number are not considered significant.
370.0 has four significant figures. Zeros used for precision purposes, such as the zero after decimal point in this case, are considered significant.
Significant figures are used to receive a more accurate number. To obtain the number you you multiply or divide the quantities, leave as many significant figures in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number or significant figures. If adding or subtracting quantities, leave the same number of decimal places in the answer as there are in the quantity with the least number of decimal places
4 significant figures.
There are 4 significant figures in 0.0032. Seems to be only 2 significant figures in this number.
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
The answer depends on what operations were used. There should normally not be more significant figures in the answer than in any of the numbers used in the calculation.
There are four significant figures in 0.1111.
20.2 has three significant figures.
4487 has four significant figures.
There are four significant figures in 0.005120.
0.0375 has three significant figures.