Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.
i don't know that's why i asked you.
There are three steps on how to evaluate a radical. Some of the step-by-step instructions are multiply two radicals with the same index number by simply multiplying the numbers beneath the radicals, divide a radical by another radical with the same index number by simply dividing the numbers inside, and simplify large radicals using the product and quotient rules of radicals.
By dividing 5 by 8.
Use a calculator!
Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.Try dividing it with a calculator. If you get numbers after the decimal point, it is NOT divisible.
you would need a calculator with an "integer divide" button the TI-15 has one
i don't know that's why i asked you.
Rather than use your calculator to estimate numbers under a radical, simplify the radicals and leave them in the problem without plugging them into a calculator.
There are three steps on how to evaluate a radical. Some of the step-by-step instructions are multiply two radicals with the same index number by simply multiplying the numbers beneath the radicals, divide a radical by another radical with the same index number by simply dividing the numbers inside, and simplify large radicals using the product and quotient rules of radicals.
By dividing 5 by 8.
Try dividing it! If you get a whole number (when dividing with a calculator), or no remainder (if using long division), it is divisible. Otherwise it isn't.
To divide a number by zero means the number will be unchanged, same as dividing by 1. Try dividing by zero on a calculator and you will get an undefined error message.
I dont freakin know, use a god damned calculator, I'm not Einstein mother fu**er.