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Q: Where can you find a discontinued Clairol product?
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Why was clairol metalex discontinued?

Please tell us why it was discontinued. That was the best thing for growing hair and breakage. Please bring it back. I use to buy bottles at a time, so did my mom.

No. This product has been discontinued for years.?

No. This product has been discontinued for years.

What color clairol hair product did Jane Seymour use?

loving care

A famous set of 1960s ads asked Does she or doesn't she use what product?

Clairol hair coloring

What is the history of herbal essences shampoo?

It was initially aimed at holistic and natural product shoppers. It was owned by Clairol before Proctor & Gamble. It's original name was 'Clairol herbal essence shampoo'.

Where can you find building instructions for ello?

I have no idea i have tried this myself and as it is a discontinued product there is not any anywhere, sorry!

Where can you find building instructions for ello jungala?

I have no idea i have tried this myself and as it is a discontinued product there is not any anywhere, sorry!

When was Clairol created?

Clairol was created in 1931.

What are the ingredients in Clairol hair color products?

The ingredients in Clairol hair colour products vary depending on with product you are interested in. Hair lighteners tend to include chemicals such as Propylene Glycol, Ammonium Hydroxide and Isopropyl Alcohol.

where can i find a purchase hair growth factor 5. i had ordered it a few years ago and it really worked?

That product is discontinued

In what stores can you find neosporin lip treatment or neosporin LT?

This product has been discontinued. It is no longer available in ANY store.