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you can also go to like of course and

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Q: Where can you find a good website to find krypto answers?
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Where is a good website to find answers?

the site I am on

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What is another good website to find answers?

I like WikiAnswers.

What lax stick is better the swizzle or the krypto pro?

krypto pro but not by far swizzle is a good lax stick too

What is a good website to find answers on?

Wiki.Answers.Com is a great website with over one million people that dedicate their time daily to answer your question's!

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Where can you find instructions for bionicle Nidhiki?

We found something at The Bionicle Website and on for download. That answers your question. Good luck.

Do you get good answers in this website?

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What is a good defensive lacrosse head?

i have an evo ti and its really good. it is very stiff to. but it was $135. so i would get a revo 2.0 or evo 2.0 if ur on a budget. the revo and evo are like $60 bucks i think. that's the best head for defense unless u get an stx bionic for like $50. but coming from a person that tried all of the heads i would probably say get the evo ti or the evo 2.0. and for a shaft i recomened a krypto pro diamond or a krypto pro. but once again the situation has to deal with money. the krypto pro diamond just has improved grip compared to a krypto pro. the krypto pro diamond is like $120h and the krypto pro is like $105. i used both and i have a krypto pro and taped it. i like the krypto pro better if its taped