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I am trying to help my 9 yr. old daughter who is in the 4th grade with her math. I am divorced, work as a Registered Surgical Nurse 12 hours daily 4-5 days weekly. I also have a 6 yr. old son in the first grade. Helping him is no problem but my 9 yeaer old has geometry type math in her 4th grade but I did not have this until 7th grade....Please help me out TONIGHT with measurements such as perimeters, length, widths, etc as she has to turn this in tomorrrow. Please help me, it's hard enough cooking,washing clothes, cleaning, and everything else on my 2 days I get off and then add home work with 2 children. I cannot remember how to find perimeters or find lengths, do problem solving equations. Once again please help me out tonight before 8 p m. They go to bed then and I want her to learn these things. Thanks so much Cherrace2999

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Q: Where can you find help in math with problem solving such as finding parameterswidthslenghths I am divorced and work full time and cannot answer these questions.Can you please help me out Cherrace2999?
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