The Standard Catalog of Firearms has this to say about Stevens SxS shotguns: The firm of J. Stevens produced a number of utility-grade, side-x-side double-barrel shotguns between 1877 and 1988. Not going to copy the whole text. You can read it when you look up your particular model. Stevens guns were always good servicable firearms but nothing fancy. Most are still useable, although any used firearm should be checked by an experienced gunsmith before firing. The earlier models will probably have short chambers and perhaps laminated barrels, and of course, are more likely to be worn.
Go to and do a search for Bost and you will come up with at least two shotguns like yours that are for sale, and will provide some information on the shotgun itself.
google should give you the answer
By and large, the Belgian shotguns are lumped together under the term JABC (Just Another Belgian Clunker). They were imported and sold through hardware catalogs. There ARE some examples of fine Belgian gunmakers. You might take your gun into a gunsmith for evaluation, but dont get your hopes up.
Since two world wars destroyed many records in Belgium, not much detailed information will be available. Pieper made thousands (maybe millions) of very inexpensive "hardware store guns", a few special-order custom shotguns, and all qualities between. The Wilmot trade name would have been made for export to the US, but I have not connected it to any particular retailer.
Take a measurement with nothing in the gauge. That reading is the zero-error.
the value of a 1948 Stevens double barrel shotgun 16 gauge. Hammerless.
ESSEX Tradename used by Belknap Hardware Company of Louisville, Kentucky on shotguns made by Crescent Fire Arms Company. ESSEX Tradename used by J. Stevens Arms Company on rifles and shotguns.
Trade name used by J Stevens Arms Company on shotguns it made. Value seldom exceeds 100 USD
Riverside Arms is a brand name used by the J Stevens Arms Co. on many good quality shotguns. The value depends on model, gauge, and condition. There is little collector interest in single barrel shotguns. Information about J Stevens Arms apply to Riverside Arms Co.
Springfield Arms shotguns were manufactured by the Stevens division of Savage Arms from 1920 to 1948.
On google images
Forerunner of the 5100 series which evolved into the Savage/Stevens 311. Stevens made a LOT of double-shotguns with varying designs over the years. Depending on condition, yours would bring $200-$350 at retail.
You need to find more information about the firearm. Winchester made 25 different models of the "94" and they were not shotguns. Models like the 9410 were. Contact for some answers. * Ignore the first answer. A 16 gauge Model 94 is a Stevens/Savage shotgun.
The serial number range for the Stevens model 520-30 military shotguns is from 30,000-70,000.As to the year of manufacture you will probably have to contact Savage/Stevens directly.
On the internet. Just search up the name of this gun or any other one and usually you will get results.
google images
Diamond Arms shotguns were made by several manufacturers, but if the rest of the patent date is '13', this one was by J. Stevens Arms and retailed by Shapleigh Hardware.