E gunworks has them i think and im very sure if you dont find it under springfield/savage look under stevens/savage 87 S it should be the same gun good luck DAVE
Hint if you are a student trying to do your homework: One square yard is 9 square feet, so what should you do to see how many 9's are in 187 square feet. Students do do peek below The answer is 187/9 = 20.7777
what is it worth 95 percent plus condition yes
I am not sure what you have, although there is someone out there who probably can answer that, just from what you have described, because it is probably a S&W 1855! The answer to your question is simple; in 1855, Smith and Wesson was a private company (as it is today) and, at that time, they had very little or no manufacturing capabilities, just a whole lot of ideas, inventions and patents. In 1855, Springfield Armory in Springfield, MA was "the" government arsenal (as it was long into the 20th century), thus rifles and pistols made there said "Springfield" on them. It is now a US National "Park". Check it out at (http://www.nps.gov/spar/). Because of this, the nickname Springfield has been applied to many models of US martial arms but most recently the Model 1903 (our infantry weapon of WWI). All of the companies calling themselves Springfield Armory, Arms or Arsenal today (and there are a few) are modern companies, either making, restoring or selling military arms or military arms "look-a-likes. Today, Smith & Wesson, is North America's premiere manufacturer of quality handguns and has no known relationship with any of the so-called "Springfields". In the 1850s Smith & Wesson owned the patent to the "drilled through cylinder" which was the key part of cartridge revolvers. Whenever they caught another manufacturer using this design, they sued and won every case. Any revolvers in the offender's inventory were turned over to S&W as part of the settlement and they marked them "Made for Smith & Wesson" before selling them. Because these companies were knowingly infringing on the patent, they often did not mark them with their own names, hoping to avoid litigation. The Springfield name was used by other manufacturers, particularly Stevens and Crescent, on shotguns, but I am not aware of any revolvers. I'm pretty sure your pistol wasn't made by the US Armory at Springfield.
Made 1935-39. Currently there is little collector interest & value. But interest in vintage .22's is a growing collector field and values may slowly rise as a result. Value as per 2005 "Gun Traders Guide" are: EX; condition= $150. Gd.= $70.
s x s or s + s + s + s
savage,springfield arms co.
Springfield was a trade name used by J Stevens Arms Co. The name was used by Savage after they bought Stevens in 1920 but it was discontinued in 1948.
1960's-1970's. If it has a serial number it is post-1968. sales@countrygunsmith.net
The Springfield 67 was made by Savage Arms from the late 1960's through the 1980's. If your gun has no serial number it was made prior to 1968. We have parts for this firearm, and can do any type of repair if needed. repair@countrygunsmith.net According to Gun Trader's Guide, the Springfield name was discontinued in 1948.
Contrary to what some believe, Springfield Arms was never a subsidary company of Cresent Arms. Springfeild Arms, like Cresent Arms, were both bought out by Stevens/Savage. Unlike the Cresent, Springfield manufacturing continued after the buy out. Some clarification: Springfield Arms Co was absorbed by Stevens very early, before 1900. Stevens continued to use the Springfield name on certain models of shotgun. Savage absorbed Stevens around 1930 or so, and continued to use the Springfield name on into the 1980's, generally on guns sold to mass-marketers. Crescent Firearms was originally an independent manufacturer that was bought by the major wholesale HD Folsom, which also eventually was absorbed by Savage.
The Springfield line was sold by Stevens/Savage from about 1920 until the 1940's. If you need a closer estimate of the age, you can get the Stevens Historian's address from savagearms.com and send him $15 and the serial number.
Steyr And Sako, Sterling, Stevens, Springfield, Savage, Sauer, Sedgeley, Star, Stoeger, Squires Bingham, the military SKS- and my favorite- Smith & Wesson.
Sturm, Ruger & Co. is an American firearm manufacturer located in Southport, Connecticut.
I also own springfield however it is a 5100. Now does savage, Stevens, or springfield make this sxs it is a little confusing, because there seems to be a few mft dates 1915 and post ww11 1950? helpAnswerThere are several different models of Springfield doubles, but they are all pretty much the same guns. Any utility double barrel in working condition is worth $150-$250. Less if it is a basket case and more if it is truly like new or 20 gauge or smaller. There is currently a Springfield Inc. and of course there was the US Springfield Armory, but neither of these had anything to do with Springfield shotguns. It was a trade name used first by Crescent probably as early as 1910. Stevens was bought by Savage in the 1920's and continued to make the Stevens tradenames as a semi-independent subsidiary. In the early 30's the Stevens division of Savage bought Crescent and several other small manufacturers and began making most of the Crescent trade names, too. The Springfield name was discontinued in 1948.
Springfield was a trade name used by the J. Stevens Arms division of Savage Arms from about 1920 to 1948. Savage-made firearms marketed under the Springfield brand name were prevalent at least into the 1960's. The Chicopee Falls marking on this shotgun indicates manufacture between 1946 and 1959. I have most, if not all, the Savage catalogs and factory parts manuals from 1920 forward and am having difficulty finding a '929' model... can you verify that model number? sales@countrygunsmith.net
John S. Savage was born in 1841.
John S. Savage died in 1884.