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Any place where the Prime Meridian passes through e.g. Greenwich, England

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Q: Where can you stand with one foot in the Western Hemisphere and one foot in the eastern hemisphere?
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Where can you stand on both the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere?

Greenwich England

Assuming the part of London east of Greenwich is in the Eastern Hemisphere is the National Gallery London ieTrafalgar Square in the Western Hemisphere?

Yes it is. If you visit Greenwich, you will see the line of 0 degrees Longitude marked on the ground so you can stand with one foot in the Western Hemisphere and the other foot in the Eastern Hemisphere.

What hemisphere is England in?

England is in the Northern, Eastern, and Western Hemisphere.That's a very good question. Although England - and the rest of the UK - are considered to be in the Western Hemisphere, the Prime Meridian, (ie 0 degrees east/west of that location), runs through the London suburb of Greenwich and if you visit the site of the Old Royal Observatory, you can stand with one foot in the Western Hemisphere and one foot in the Eastern Hemisphere, so the answer to your question is that geographically speaking, England is in both the east and west, as well as the northern hemisphere.

London passes through what meridian?

The Prime Meridian, ie 0 degrees Longitude, runs through the London Borough of Greenwich. You can visit the site and stand with one foot in the Eastern Hemisphere and the other in the Western Hemisphere.

What does a - stand for in latidude and longitude?

Negative latitude indicates latitude south of the equator, or the southern hemisphere. Negative longitude indicates longitude west of Greenwich, or the western hemisphere.

What does the abbreviation WHR stand for?

The abbreviation WHR can stand for many things. For example, waist-to-hip ratio, world health report, waste heat recovery or western hemisphere region.

Can you stand in the northern and southern hemisphere at the same time?

The closest you can get to that is standing on the equator

What does the stars stand for in the Australian flag?

The stars on the Australian flag represent the Southern Cross constellation, which is a prominent feature in the southern hemisphere night sky. It is symbolic of Australia's geographical location in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where do birch grow?

white birch trees grow mostly in the Western Hemisphere and if you don't under stand here's a simple answer: big tree likes birdy and they live in the big white barbie house where the sparkly flag is

Why is greenwich England so important o a geographer?

Greenwich, which is a suburb in southeast London UK, has the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude) running through it. The line is marked on the ground at the old Royal Observatory and you can stand with one foot in the Eastern Hemisphere and the other foot in the Western Hemisphere. All time zones in the whole world are measured from this point and are either ahead or behind GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). For example, New York is GMT -5 and Los Angeles is GMT -8. Tokyo is GMT +8.

What can you do at the La mitad del mundo?

Well, you can do many things. You can stand one foot in the northern hemisphere and the other one in the southern!

How many degrees are between the northern and southern hemisphere?

The northern and southern Hemispheres each consist of a range of 90 degrees of latitude. They meet at the equator ... it's the boundary between them. There's no gap between them at the equator, so if you wanted to, you could go to the equator and stand with one foot in each hemisphere. Each hemisphere is shaped like ... like ... like a hemisphere. That's like half of a grapefruit. Their edges fit together to make a complete sphere, and the distance between them at their edges, as well as the angle between them, is zero.