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You can purchase a footbag online from the Fourkast and World Footbag websites. Alternatively, you can also purchase footbags online from retailers such as Amazon.

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Q: Where could one get a footbag?
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What is the world record for footbag or hackey-sack?

here is a comprehensive list of footbag records: see for more footbag information

What year did footbag become a sport?

Footbag has existed as a competitive sport in several forms since 1972

What year did footbag become a competitive sport?

Footbag has existed as a competitive sport in several forms since 1972

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Can footbag skills become hereditary?

No, Footbag skills cannot be hereditary because, it is not based upon genes, Hacky Sack is built up by practice

What does a hackysack or footbag court look like?

not telling

What is the best footbag?

It's a matter of personal opinion. Everybody has different ideas of what "best" means.

What are the Average earnings of a pro foot bag player?

a footbag player..... earns nearly enough as you do during your prostitution evening ;)

What does the term hacky sack mean?

The term Hacky Sack is the trademarked name of a type of footbag, but has since become the generic term for either the foot bag itself or the game itself.

What sports do you use your feet?

Yes, there is a volleyball variation called Footbag Net. It's played with feet instead of hands. Footbag net combines elements of tennis, badminton and volleyball. Its is either played one on one or in teams of two. Hope I helped :)

What games that influence by Spaniards?

sipa and patint\Sipa (lit. kick or to kick) is the Philippines' traditional native sport which predates Spanish rule. The game is related to Sepak Takraw. Similar games include Footbag net, Footvolley, Bossaball and Jianzi.ero