

Best Answer
  • If an altitude above sea level is positive, then an altitude below sea level is negative.
  • If having money is positive, having a debt is negative.
  • If gaining money is positive, losing money is negative (a negative gain).
  • If an increase in speed is a positive acceleration, a decrease in speed is a negative acceleration.
  • Any other similar case, where you define one thing as positive, and its opposite as negative.
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Q: Where could you find negative numbers?
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How many places do you find negative numbers?

You find negative numbers in a variety of places, including...BanksThermometersNumber linesFootball league tablesI have been finding out where you can find negative numbers for homework.Hope this comes in handy !

Where can you find positive and negative numbers in your house?

Positive numbers, on your door. Negative in your freezer.

Where can you find negative numbers?

Negative numbers can be found to the left of 0 on the number line.

Could negative mixed numbers be rational numbers?

Not only could they be, but they always are.

How do you find the quotient of the two numbers when one is positive and one is negative?

Pretend both the numbers are positive, find the quotient as normal and then make it negative.

How can we find the LCM of negative numbers?

The same as with positive numbers. You need at least two numbers to find a GCF.

Is there an Excel spreadsheet formula to find offsetting positive and negative numbers in a column of data?

If you mean you want to find how far the numbers are from zero, whether they are positive or negative, you could use the ABS function. So if the first value was in A2, then in B2 you could enter the following formula and copy it down: =ABS(A2)

What is a negative times a positive times a positive?

A negative. If you have a string of positive and negative numbers multiplied together, all you need to find the sign of the answer is to find the parity of the negative numbers. If there are an odd number of negatives then the answer is negative and if there are an even number of negatives then the answer is positive. Remember, positive numbers make no difference to the sign of the answer.

What happens when you use the Sum function and in the range of cells you find negative numbers?

It will still perform the calculation. The SUM function can deal with positive and negative numbers and it will deal with negative numbers correctly. So there will be no problems or errors if there are negative numbers amongst the numbers in the range of cells that it is calculating.

Why negative x is not a negative number?

It could be because x is already negative, and the product of two negative numbers is a positive one.

How do I Find the mean of negative numbers?

You find the mean of negative numbers the same way you find the mean of any numbers. You add them up and then you divide by the number of numbers. An example, using -3, -4, -6, and -9. The sum is -22. N is 4. The mean is -5.5.

What event could you call Year Zero so that you would not have to deal with negative numbers in history?

If you could find a confirmed date for the start of agriculture or the bronze age, that would do it.