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Q: Where did multipliation origionate?
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The product.

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No, it started in ancient Greece.

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What era do most fossils origionate?

Ice age

Where does the quote 'eternal sunshine of a spotless mind' origionate?

A poem by Alexander Pope. BTW origionate isn't a word, it's originate. Sorry, i'm a teacher. I have to be a stickler for spelling.

Why vegetative multipliation is treated sa asexual reproduction?

Because there are no new individuals created. They are all clones.

When did ballet origionate?

Most people would say Russia, but noones for sure

Is a Rabbit more related to the Gerbil or to the Hamster?

No a rabbit is not a rodent they origionate from hares they are a mammal

How did the term belly button origionate?

tbh i dont think any1 nos lol