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Q: Where did my bucket's got a hole in it day originate?
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because before toilets people used to poo in a hole in the ground or into buckets that might have been thrown out the window when it got to full.

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The sun got so bright one day that it burned a hole through the moon, the other half of the moon got sucked up into a black hole in space. This was all witnessed by NASA in 1901.

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they got water from a well. how? they walked to the well and collected water in buckets! isn't that obvious?!

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well...its got be somewhere...

How do you destroy a wasp nest hole in your garden?

u got a hose use and make sure u can run i got one in my house the other day worked like a charm;)

How did sumerians get water?

it got its water from the "chain pump." the chain pump was a system that had two big wheels, one above another, and they were connected together by a chain. the chain has buckets on it, which dip into a small pool of water and go up the chain to a higher elevated pool. the buckets topple over into the elevated pool and dump the water into the pool, then the empty buckets go down the chain to be refilled. the plants are then watered by sections with the chain pump.

Why is your antifreeze leaking?

its got a hole in it

How many buckets of water to fill a bathtub?

Well, honey, it depends on the size of the bucket and the bathtub. If you're using a standard 5-gallon bucket, you'll need around 7-10 buckets to fill a regular-sized bathtub. But if you've got one of those luxurious oversized tubs, you might need closer to 15 buckets. Just remember, the more buckets you use, the longer you'll have to wait for that soak!

When did circle justice originate give you the answer?

the time he got beat up

Does monster mass work?

u got to use a couple of buckets id say about 5-6 until you see real change

Why do golfers wear two pairs of pants?

In case they get a hole in one.