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Unlike monkeys and parrots, cats aren't actually known for imitative behavior, but the term is somewhat logical since "cat" has been an insult since the medieval period. Cats were associated with all sorts of evil and mischief. In an early-13th-century monastic guidebook for female monks called Ancrene Riwle, for instance, the anonymous author warns ascetics against becoming "cats of hell."

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The cast of Copycat - 2011 includes: Kerry Griffin as Copycat

When was Copycat released?

Copycat was released on 10/27/1995.

What was the Production Budget for Copycat?

The Production Budget for Copycat was $20,000,000.

How much money did Copycat gross worldwide?

Copycat grossed $32,051,917 worldwide.

Where is copycat in Pokemon Silver?

The Copycat is in Saffron City, near the train station.

What do you get when cross a kitten with a Xerox machine?

A copycat!

Can Stardust Assault Mode negate Copycat?

Copycat has an effect that Triggers when it is summoned. Stardust Dragon Assault Mode can chain to this trigger to negate it, and destroy Copycat.

Where is copycat located in Pokemon Silver?

The Copycat is in Saffron City, near the train station.

When was Copycat - The Cranberries song - created?

Copycat - The Cranberries song - was created in 2000-07.

How much money did Copycat gross domestically?

Copycat grossed $32,051,917 in the domestic market.