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Q: Where did the negative sign in math come from?
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Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?

Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?The negative sign comes before the dollar sign.

What is the answer to the math problem -x equals 39?

X=-39. All you do is take the negative sign and move it to the other side

When you have a negative and positive in math does it become a negative?

It depends on what you do with the negative and positive. If you multiply or divide a positive number and a negative number, then the answer is negative. If you add or subtract a positive number and a negative number, the answer could be negative or positive depending on the numbers involved. If you put a negative sign in front of a positive number, the result is a negative number. If you put a positive sign in front of a negative number (like +(-7)), the result is still negative.

Math Equation of sign tita is equevalent of ngatve zero What is the fraction of denamanator of negatve sign titah?

The question cannot be answered: sign tita can only be - or +. It does not have any value associated with it. So it could not be equivalent to negative zero. Next, there is no such thing as negative zero. Zero has no sign: it is neither negative nor positive. Finally, division by zero is not defined. It cannot have a value.

What does math involve?

math ha these sign in it so it involves these sign +, =, $, %, # and more.......

Why does a positive times a negative produces a negative?

Because when there is a positive and a negative in the same problem, it gives you a negative. An easy way to solve problems like that is if there is an odd number of negative signs, then your answer is going to be negative. If there is an even number of negative signs, then your answer is going to be positive. (no matter if there is a positive sign in a math problem).

What is the absolute value of plus 12 and -14?

|12 - 14| = |-2| = 2 As you can see, you do the math first, the simply remove the sign if it is negative.

What math sign is used before a negative number?

A minus sign '-'. Some authors distinguish the "take away" operation sign from the neg. number sign by making the latter shorter and higher. In accountancy neg. numbers can be written in brackets or colored red

Is dependent a positive or negative word?

In math, dependent isn't a particular sign in front of it, it just means that it depends on something else :P

What does negative plus positive equal to?

In math when you are given a negative and a positive number, you should write down the sign of the greatest number and subtract the smaller number from the greatest number. In the problem 3 - 9, three is the positive number, and nine is the negative number. This means you should write down the negative number's sign and subtract 3 from 9, and your answer should be -6.

What can you tell about the graph of a quadratic function from its standards form without any math?

The answer depends on what you mean by "without any math". Is deciding whether a number is positive or negative disallowed because the sign of a coefficient is a mathematical concept.

Which are the positive and negative?

The ones with the + sign are positive. The ones with the - sign are negative.