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From Port. cobra (de capello) "serpent (of the hood)," from L. colubra "a snake," of uncertain origin. The word came to Eng. via Portuguese colonies in India, where the native name is nag.

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Q: Where did the word cobra come from?
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What language does the word cobra come from?

Cobra comes from the Portuguese word cobra (de capello) =snake (with a hood), from Latin colubra =snake

What language does cobra come froms?

Cobra is short for cobra de capello. This is Portuguese for hooded snake

Use the word king cobra in a sentence?

King cobra is the king of snakes.

How you say cobra in french?

Cobra is Cobra. :) Because cobra is a Portuguese word meaning "snake", used to describe a snake from the genus "Naja". So yeah, Cobra is the same in French.

How do you use the word cobra in a sentence?

The cobra hissed menacingly at the snake charmer.He was bitten by a cobra several years ago.

Is it king kobra snake or king cobra snake?

King Cobra is the correct word.

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cobra? Mamba?

What is the origin for the word cobra?

I have no idea...Ask someone else!

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Does cobra starship have a new song called Come as you are?

Not that I've heard of.

Where does the name Arbok come from?

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