

Best Answer

well it depends on what tsunami you mean, there is more than one...

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Q: Where did tsunami occur and in which year?
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Related questions

What occur of tsunami in particular location?

most tsunami occur at the sea.

What year did the biggest tsunami occur?

The biggest tsunami occurred in 1958 (July 7) in Lituya Bay, Alaska. This tsunami reached a height of 524 metres, or 1700 feet.

What year did the tsunami occur in Tahiti?

There was a massive tsunami in Tahiti on February 15, 2010. This tsunami was generated by a magnitude 8.8 earthquake off the coast of Chile.

How did the Sumatra tsunami occur?

An earthquake caused the Sumatra Tsunami.

Is their going to a big wave in 2016?

Tsunamis are very unpredictable. There might be a tsunami in 2016, but there is no way to be certain, and a tsunami is just as likely to occur in any other year,

When does tsunami occur?


What kind of cloud occur in a tsunami?

No type of cloud is associated with tusnamis, as a tsunami is not a weather-related phenonomenon. A tsunami can occur during absolutely any type of weather.

When will the next tsunami hit japan?

There is no way of knowing when the next tsunami will occur.

Will there be a tsunami in california?

It is impossible to predict when a tsunami will occur until it actually starts.

Why did the largest tsunami occur?


When did the tsunami in Asia occur?


Where all did tsunami occur?
