Arabic sifr = cypher, which led to Italian zero
Any number divided by zero is undefined. This is true it is because you cannot divide something into zero groups (but you can put zero into an existing amount of groups, which is why zero can legally be divided by other numbers).
it came from an italian mathemation durr
It comes from a ratio of two integers, the second of which is not zero.
If you multiply any number by zero the answer is zero If you dividea number by zero the answer is undetermined. It is usually infinity , since when you divide a number ( numerator0 by a small the number (denominator) the smaller that denominator the larger the answer, and zero is so small that the answer is infinite. But not always, as in special cases when the numerator is also zero
The digit zero comes from where all zeros come from.........................think bout it you will see what i am talking bout
Arabic sifr = cypher, which led to Italian zero
it is Arabian
zero was invented by great mathematician Aryabhata.
The Maya, or possibly the Olmecs, discovered it.
It originated from the Indian subcontinent.
Any number divided by zero is undefined. This is true it is because you cannot divide something into zero groups (but you can put zero into an existing amount of groups, which is why zero can legally be divided by other numbers).
Well, India gave the world the term Zero...but its vry difficult to say..wat was used before there was not zero
on April 25, 2006
it came from an italian mathemation durr