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Q: Where did zero get breakfeast?
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there is no breakfeast bar in sims 2 pets

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something that i eat for breakfeast

What is the traditional Japanese breakfeast?

rice and soup

What is yoshis favorite breakfeast restaurant?

aluminum breakfast.

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You skip breakfeast and you feel sick What is wrong?

You are hungry.

Is pb and j with hot coacoa a good breakfeast?

i think its not a good breakfeast because it doesnt get you full its poor because its not good thinking food if your kid is going to school

What is a healthy breakfeast?

oat meal is a really helthy breakfast.

What breakfeast cereal was sonnythe cuckcoo bird cuckcoo about?


How do you say breakfeast in spanish?

desayuno (dez-eye-uno)

How you say breakfeast in french?

breakfast - le petit déjeuner