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over half of the world's population lives in Asia

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Q: Where do more than half the people in the world live?
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More than half of the people on Earth live in Asia, the largest continent in the world.

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Are there more than half of the people in the world live in Asia?

Yes because Asia has India and China in that region and they are the most populous country's in the world. India alone has over a trillion people

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Chicago metropolitan area

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more then half the people in the world/loonaticks lol

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More than 1

True or false about 10and a half more people live in Cairo than Washington DC?

I think yes

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Yes. If you think about it there are more than a billion people in the world and half of them may have pets and some have a lot more then one pet.

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I think about 200,000 people live in Lubbock. At the pancake festival there were probably more than 450 people. I don't think that's half, so I would say about 200,000.

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there are WAY too many to count!!