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Q: Where do the parentheses go when you multiply seven squared Plus one minus five times 3 and the answer is 135?
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x = 5 / 6squared + 7

Explain how to factorize 2x squared plus 7x plus 6?

Your equation is a trimonial (made up of 3 parts) so your equation will end up being two sets of parentheses. In the first parentheses at the beginning goes the 2x, and at the begining of the second parentheses is x (because when you multiply 2x by x you get 2x^2 (two x squared) next you need to find two numbers that multiply to get six and also when you add them together you get seven. However since the beginning number is 2 (from the 2x) one of those two numbers has to be multiplied by 2 in order to get seven. The numbers needed are 2 and 3 with the two being the one that is multiplied by two. Therefore the second two needs to be i the second paretheses and the three needs to be in the first. Your equation will end up looking like this: (2x+3)(x+2)

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the answer is 3700048.5

What is x squared plus seven over eight times x minus x over eight?

I'm pretty sure it's x sqaured plus seven

What is 7 minus the product of v and 3?

seven minus the product of v and 3 would be as it sounds. 7- because it says seven minus the product, product means multiply so then v and 3 so then it is 7-3v or v3

What is twelve minus seven?

Twelve minus seven is five

What is three minus seven?

three minus seven is four

What is square of 7?

49. When you "square" a number, you multiply it by itself. 7 x 7 = 49. This can also be represented by 72 and is read as "seven squared."

What is the factorization of the trinomial x squared minus seven x plus six?

The only factors of 6 which add to 7 are 1 & 6 so: (x - 1)(x - 6)