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Q: Where do we find streamlined shapes in nature?
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Why do cruise liners have streamlined shapes?

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Why do aeroplanes and ships are given streamlined shape?

Streamlined shapes make them faster and more fuel-efficient.

What animals have streamlined body shapes?

Fish, birds and snakes are a few

What are the five examples of streamlined shapes in day to day life?

Airplanes have streamlined shapes to reduce drag and improve aerodynamics. Fish have streamlined bodies to move efficiently through water. Cars often incorporate streamlined designs to enhance fuel efficiency and reduce wind resistance. Speedboats are built with streamlined hulls to glide smoothly through water. Bullet trains have streamlined profiles to decrease air resistance and achieve high speeds.

Why do airplanes are bullet shaped?

Smooth, streamlined shapes reduce air resistance. Symmetric shapes ensure flight stability.

What animal has streamlined shapes that reduce air resistance as it moves?

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How does the bodyshape of an airplane help it in flying?

Streamlined shapes help aerodynamics and speed .

Why do jet planes have streamlined shapes?

Jet planes have streamlined shapes to reduce air resistance, which allows them to fly efficiently at high speeds. The streamlined design helps the plane cut through the air more easily, reducing drag and fuel consumption. Additionally, the shape improves the plane's aerodynamics, making it more stable in flight.

Is streamlined a word used to describe shapes that cut through the air easily?


Give reason : rockets ,trains ,modern cars and aircraft have streamlined shapes?


What animals are not streamlined?

Animals like sea urchins, some species of pufferfish, and certain types of crabs are not streamlined. Their body shapes are more round or bulky, which can make them slower swimmers compared to streamlined animals like dolphins or sharks.

A term for irregular shapes found in nature?

Geometric Shapes