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To find the rate of change on a table: the input is X and the output is Y (the left side is X and the right is Y). The formula for the rate of change is: Change of the dependent variable over change of independent variable or y over x. ^^^ I understood NONE of that...
When graphing in science, the independent variable is the variable graphed on the x-axis; the dependent variable is the variable graphed on the y-axis. To determine the name of the variable, one only needs to find the variable changed by the other variable and the variable remaining unaffected by the other variable. For example, someone wanted to find the the increased temperature of water over a stove during a period of time. Since increasing water temperature cannot affect time and increasing time can affect the water becomes the dependent variable and time becomes the independent variable.
The reason why it is important is because if you don't measure the experiment then there is no way you will find out your conclusion
go find the answer youreself lazy dick
idk i got it some where... :)The independent variable is the thing that you are personally changing in an equation - it's usually the thing that you want to find out. A dependent variable 'depends' upon the other variables.
If x depends on a, b and c, then x is the dependent variable, and a, b, and c are the independent variables - you can vary them at will, and x depends on them. Often it appears on the right hand side of an equation, such as x = a +b + 2/c, showing how x depends on the independent variables.
To find the rate of change on a table: the input is X and the output is Y (the left side is X and the right is Y). The formula for the rate of change is: Change of the dependent variable over change of independent variable or y over x. ^^^ I understood NONE of that...
The variable that depens on a number or anther variable to find it's value.
independent variable- constants- dependent variable an independent variable is the one to changeand the constants is what u do nuthin to and the dependent variable is what u are trying to find out
Let's say you wanted to find out how you mother would react if you got an F on a quiz. Your grade is the independent variable. Your mother's reaction is the dependent variable.
If you are doing an experiment to find colour's effect on emotions, the coulour would be the independent variable because it is what you are controlling, and the emotions would be the dependent variable because they are the results.
An Independent variable is what you control; you decide the focus of your experiment and what you control on the independent variable. Dependent variable is what you want to look at or find results for; you decide what you want to see from manipulating your independent variable.
independent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable. The independent variable is the cause, while the dependent variable is the effect being measured in the experiment.
The Scientific Method 1) Observe- use the five senses 2) Hypothesis- a proposed explanation for observation; an educated guess 3)Experiment- a procedure used to test a hypothesis -find the independent variable(variable that changes during experiment) -Find the dependent variable(variable that changes in response to the idependent variable) 4) data- write down everything you observe about the experiment. 5) Conclusion!!!!
I hope this helps you out a lot. If you are asking what a dependent variable is, here is your answer: A dependent variable is a variable which would be the output of the experiment. The value of the dependent variable depends on the value of the independent variable. If you are asking what a dependent variable does, here is your answer: A dependent variable shows you the output of the experiment. It shows you the independent variable's function. If you have learned that in Math, you should understand. Source(s): I'm a Science and Math whiz.
A dependent variable is the outcome or response that is being measured in a research study. It is the variable that may change in response to the independent variable being manipulated or controlled. The dependent variable is used to assess the effects or influence of the independent variable.
When graphing in science, the independent variable is the variable graphed on the x-axis; the dependent variable is the variable graphed on the y-axis. To determine the name of the variable, one only needs to find the variable changed by the other variable and the variable remaining unaffected by the other variable. For example, someone wanted to find the the increased temperature of water over a stove during a period of time. Since increasing water temperature cannot affect time and increasing time can affect the water becomes the dependent variable and time becomes the independent variable.