

Where do you find root nodules?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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12y ago

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Root nodules with bacteria are found fairly easily on legumes like beans, peas, clover, soy and peanut as well as on alder trees. Some plants have scarce nodule development and others have dense clusters.

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What is found in the root nodules of leguminous plants?

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Legume plant. Root nodules are formed on the roots of legume plants through a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These nodules house the bacteria that convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that the plant can use for growth.

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Legumes enrich soil by adding nitrogen to it through their?

root nodules

What type of plants have root nodules?

Plants that form root nodules include legumes such as peas, beans, clover, alfalfa, and soybeans. These nodules house nitrogen-fixing bacteria that convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by the plant, aiding in their growth and development.

Where can nitrogen-fixing bacteria be found?

In root nodules of lupins and other legumes.

Bacteria in root nodules change nitrogen gas in what form?


How are root nodules useful for the plants?

The root nodules of leguminous plants like gram,pulses,etc. contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria,rhizobia, which help in fixing nitrogen in the soil for the plants to absorb.Nitrogen is essential for the growth of plants.

The function of the root nodules of legumes is storage of carbohydrates?

its the nutrients in the plants OJ :)poop