== == Pro Hockey leauges have an official stats person who produces the plus minus numbers, which are released to the sports media, who publish them for the public to read. Plus minus numbers are based on a simple fact, was a player on the ice when his team scored a goal? If yes , he gets a plus point on his stats. was he on the ice when the other team scored on his team? If so, he gets a minus point on his sheet.
Because adding a negative is the same as subtracting a positive. In other words, minus a plus is he same as plus a minus. For example 5+ (-3) = 5-3 = +2 5 -(+3) = 5-3 = +2 Remember minus a plus = = minus plus a minus = minus plus a plus = plus minus a minus = plus
They are called plus and minus - no difference there!
The answer is 0.
Same mathematical signs equal plus Different mathematical signs equal minus Plus Plus = Plus (+)(+) = + Minus Minus = Plus (-)(-) = + Plus Minus = Minus (+)(-) = - Minus Plus = Minus (-)(+) = - So the direct answer to your question would be: plus minus equals minus
A plus + a plus is a plus.
A minus and a minus makes a plus A plus and a plus makes a plus A minus and a plus or plus and a minus makes a minus 7 - -2 is a minus and a minus Therefore the answer is 7 + 2 = 9
A minus plus a minus will give a sum with a minus also.
Yes it does. A minus is the opposite of something, so the minus of a minus is a plus.
A plus with a minus under it means "plus or minus" in math.
A plus times a plus is still a plus. Below is the way I remembered it: If there is not a minus sign, it is plus (positive). If there is 1 minus sign, it is minus (negative). If there are 2 minus signs, it is plus (positive).
Because both minus signs to be cut therefore minus * minus will be treated as plus numbers
No, it becomes a plus, since minus x minus = plus
Your question does not make sense. It would probably be interpreted as a + = ++a ---a
It is a problem that can be easily resolved with a calculator.
a minus and a plus equal a minus number yeh dude