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a stop sign

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Q: Where do you see an octagon used in everyday life?
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How is geometry used in your everyday life?

Geometry is used in my everyday life because I see it everyday. Everything I see is practically geometry. There are posters on my classroom wall, there are desks and chairs, tables, and a big nice white board. I guess this is really how I used geometry in my everyday life.

Where do you see californium in your everyday life?

Californium is not for everyday uses.

Do you see a cow everyday of your life?

No, I do not see a cow every day of my life.

Why do you need light in everyday life?

to see

How are similar triangles used in everyday life?

we use triangles in our everyday life.while constructing buildings,different chain modals,cookery items,etc. are some examples of triangles that we use in our everyday life.

What shapes can you see in everyday life?

You can see them all, if you know where to look

What is the Use of everyday life in bromine?

it can be used to see if the hydrocarbon you have just cracked is an alkane or an alkene (it with turn orange to colourless if it is an alkene)

What are some pictures of pulleys that are used in everyday life?

For that you'll want Google Images, and pulleys,please see link provided.

Where do you see levers in everyday life?

Car door handles

Where would you see an octagon?

Check out any street corner- a stop sign is an octagon .

How important is geometry in everyday life?

Geometry is very important because you practically see it everyday. Everything is geometry. Humans are geometry. planets are geometry. If you don't really understand how much geometry is used and important, then you should try to see somebody for geometry answers.

How does the light bulb impact everyday life?

it helps people see their surroundings