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I think everyone asks this question sometimes. The answers are probably numerous. We often feel like we have no one to turn to when we actually do. Maybe we can resolve an argument with someone close, or talk to a friend we haven't talked to in a while.

If those aren't options, then we have to turn outside. Talking to a professional counselor or a doctor are always options. There are also help lines that accept calls from anyone and who can offer support.

There is also God, if that is an option for you. Sometimes the answers from God aren't as tactile as we want them to be... but there is always comfort to be found.

answerDon't consider turning anywhere, but God. He made you, he can fix you. His words for you can be found in The Bible. Just make yourself read it for awhile, ask God to give you wisdom to understand what he is saying. Many don't give the Bible a chance because they don't understand it, but ask for understanding, and you will come to find peace, though the world may fall around you, you will be on solid ground. AnswerTurn inward and discover your own innate goodness. No one knows you better than yourself.
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To get one-sixth of a number, divide that number by six.

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