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In lakes, rivers and ponds...

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Q: Where does less than one hundredth of one percent of the earths freshwater exist?
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Where does less that one hundredth of one percent of earths fresh water exist?

In the bottle of water in front of me. It contains about 1 sixtillionths of 1 percent the world's water which, as required, is less than 1 hundredth of 1 percent.

Where does less than one hundredth of one percent of the earths fresh water exist?

There must be millions of such places. My bathtub is one.

Where does less than one hundredth of one percent of the earth fresh water exist?

There must be millions of such places. My bathtub is one.

Where does an amoeba exist?

In freshwater ponds.

Is an island freshwater or saltwater?

Islands exist in both bodies of saltwater and bodies of freshwater.

Do wetlands only exist in freshwater areas?


What most freshwater hydrozoa exist only as what?

Most freshwater hydrozoa exist only as the polyp form. They never switch to the medusa form, or sexual form. This means they exist only in the asexual form.

What is the difference between ground water and freshwater?

Groundwater refers to water that is stored beneath the Earth's surface in porous rock formations, whereas freshwater refers to water that contains low levels of salts and is suitable for human consumption. Groundwater can be either freshwater or saline depending on its location and the surrounding geology.

Does it snow in the freshwater biome?

Freshwater biomes can exist in the tropics or the arctic. Thus in some it does snow and in others it never snows.

Example of freshwater Echinoderm?

I'm not aware that any exist. Phylum Echinodermata is often mentioned as the largest without freshwater or terrestrial representatives.

Why pieces of earth's earliest crust do not exist today?

Earth's earliest crust, which formed over 4 billion years ago, has been recycled through processes like subduction, where it is pulled back into the mantle. This constant recycling of Earth's crust, along with the effects of erosion and weathering, means that no original pieces of the earliest crust remain intact today.

Is the fossil Globigerina extinct?

No Globigerina still exist in the earths oceans.