The difference is that all whole numbers are decimal numbers, but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers. For example a whole number such as 1 is a decimal number but a decimal number such as 1.5 is not a whole number.
No. A whole number is a number with no fractional (decimal) part. Therefore a decimal number can not be a whole number. Another view: 35.0 is a whole number AND a decimal. The fact that a number is a decimal does not automatically require it to have a fractional part. Even 35 is a decimal number (without a decimal point).
The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.
A decimal number is not always smaller than a whole number. This is a decimal number 2.45 The number on the left of the decimal point shows the whole numbers. The numbers on the right of the point shows the parts/fractions. This number is not a whole number .098 This number is a whole number 2.00 This number has whole numbers and parts/fractions of the whole 2.098
A whole number is a number that is not a decimal or fraction. Since 0.02687 is a decimal, it cannot be converted into a whole number.
The difference is that all whole numbers are decimal numbers, but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers. For example a whole number such as 1 is a decimal number but a decimal number such as 1.5 is not a whole number.
No. A whole number is a number with no fractional (decimal) part. Therefore a decimal number can not be a whole number. Another view: 35.0 is a whole number AND a decimal. The fact that a number is a decimal does not automatically require it to have a fractional part. Even 35 is a decimal number (without a decimal point).
You can't change a whole number to a decimal. A decimal and a whole number are both numbers. A decimal is just a number lower than a whole number, or a number in between two whole numbers.
26 is greater. 26 is a whole number 0.3 is a decimal number, in decimal numbers the whole numbers go on the left side of the decimal point and the parts of a number (fractions) go on the right side of the decimal point. So . 3 is not even a whole number.
a decimal is part of a whole number e.g. 0.5 is half a whole numbera whole number is just a normal number e.g. 1, 2, 5, 8, 14, 56 etc. A whole number is on the left side of the dot and the decimal is on the right.Example: whole number decimal decimal number 43 . 684
In math, the whole number, the number before the decimal ex.(3.0) 3 is the WHOLE NUMBER. to make the number in the decimal change (go higher) you can have a 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 but since 9 is the LAST DIGIT the whole number becomes a 4.0. from, the mathwiz101
The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.The whole number goes to the left of the decimal point.
A decimal number is not always smaller than a whole number. This is a decimal number 2.45 The number on the left of the decimal point shows the whole numbers. The numbers on the right of the point shows the parts/fractions. This number is not a whole number .098 This number is a whole number 2.00 This number has whole numbers and parts/fractions of the whole 2.098
15,000 is already a whole number. A whole number is any number that is not a fraction or decimal. 15,00.96 would not be a whole number, but a decimal.
A whole number is a number that is not a decimal or fraction. Since 0.02687 is a decimal, it cannot be converted into a whole number.
To write a decimal you go to the end of the whole number 5 for example and then you put a period (5.) then you add the rest of the decimal like 5.6
Neither. A for every decimal number (which may itself be a whole number), there is a smaller whole number and for every whole number there is a smaller decimal number.