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the prefix 'non' means 'nine'.

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Q: Where does the non oniginate from in nonagon?
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Related questions

Words that start with non and mean nine?


What is a non-agon?

A 9 sided shape that how many a nonagon has.

Words that have non and mean 9?

Nonagenarian, nonagon, nonagesimal, nonagonal.

Words that begin with non?

nonagon, nonagonal,

What word begins with non that has 9 sides?


What is a nine sided shape call?

A nine sided POLYGON is called a nonagon. Any plain shape bounded by nine straight sides is a nonagon.

What is the prefix of non?

The prefix non- means not or nine. A couple common words with this are nonsense and nonagon.

What math words start with non?

Non-removable discontinuity, nonagon, and nonexistent answer are just a few math words that start with non.

What is the 9 sided polygon called?

The most common term is "nonagon", though technically "non-" is a Latin prefix. The purely Greek word for it is "enneagon." But no one really uses this term , so you're safe with "nonagon."

What is the name for the nine-sided polygon?


Why is a nonagon called a nonagon?

Because nonagon means 9 sides

What are some words that have the prefix non and relate to nonagon meaning 9?

nonet (a group of nine) is one of them.........