The term 'end of the line' means the final outcome or the conclusion. Synonyms are stopping point, wrap-up and closing. It is not quite certain from where the term originated.
A point is an undefined term. But given two points, they can be joined using a line segment.
The term you are describing is a line.
No A line segment has a beginning and an end, but a line has no beginning or end. A ray has a beginning but no end.
A line of poetry in which the meter and the meaning conclude with the end of the line.
The term dozen means a grouping of 12 and comes from the French term douzaine. This grouping term is perceived to be one of the earliest primitive groupings.
Where did the term derby originate?
A line segment has distinctive end points.
The term for the end of a bone closest to the midline of the body is called the "proximal end."
The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.
A ray is a line that has an originating point, but no end.
End rhyme.... APEX ............................................................................................................................
A point is an undefined term. But given two points, they can be joined using a line segment.
"G" is not a significant term in paintball.