nil - "nothing," 1833, from L. nil, contraction of nihil, nihilum "nothing," from ne- "not" (see un-) + hilum "small thing, trifle," of unknown origin.
Above retrieved from,
I did a check with Vines and it came up with nil response, so it appears there is no use of the word "believe" in Revelation.
Nought Nil
Nil, nought, none, null.
It means it will not go up, it will not get higher.
0 the answer is nil,zero..
Manchester united scored 1 nil.
The definition of the word nil is nothing or worthless. In a sentence it is used like this: His bank account is worth nil. It just means his account is worthless.
nil, zip
Not into a single English Scrabble word.
nil, zip
annul. Their marriage was annulled.
ion, on, nil
Seventy two and nil hundredths.