

Where does the word eclectic come from?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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βˆ™ 9y ago

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The word eclectic comes from the Greek words 'ek' meaning 'out' and 'legein' meaning 'choose.' Those words were combined to create 'eklegein' that means 'pick out' and then the word changed to eklektikos and then the 17th century brought about the word eclectic.

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Eclectic is a word that means unique and flamboyant. A sentence using the word eclectic would be, "The musician's eclectic style made him very popular onstage."

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A philosophical movement.

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The word eclectic means a variety of something, meaning styles or things. Eclectic decor, therefore, is when a room or a house contains a variety of items from different styles, time periods, etc and blends in the room without looking tacky.

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That's an eclectic concept album.

What is an example sentence for eclectic?

You are very different. I can also call you Eclectic!

How do you use the word eclectic in a sentence?

You could say, "I have an eclectic taste in music" if you liked all different kinds of music. Mr. Robinson has a very eclectic collection of music - everything from modern jazz to old folk music. The philosophy class was composed of 20 elite students and 4 eclectic instructors whose sole mission was to teach philosophy with a variety of schools of thought." The university offered an eclectic curriculum that attracted a broad range of students.

When did The Eclectic Review end?

The Eclectic Review ended in 1868.

When was The Eclectic Review created?

The Eclectic Review was created in 1805.