From greek "etymon" - true sense, + "logos" - word
in effect, "the true sense of words"
Do you mean the derivation of the word holiday? In other words where did the word come from? It comes from a combination of holy plus day. Here is a history of the word:
The etymology dictionary term for academia is relating to academy. The meaning is theoretical, not practical, not leading to decision such as university debates or classroom legal exercises.
the etymology of the word is lost, but there are suggestions part of the word may come from muire, which is sea in old irish. The formorians were a mythical race of semi devine sea pirates from Tory Island as counted in Leabhar Gábhla éireann (book of invasions).
The word values is derived from an Old French word. It's meaning is worth, price, moral worth, standing or reputation.
Algorism comes from the Greek word Algorm meaning: to show and the second part of the word comes from the Greek word Porsm: meaning formula
the etymology of the word ''cereal'' is from laitin
The etymology of etymology is from the greek etumologia which means "true sense of a word"
No, a thesaurus does not give the etymology of a word. However, the etymology can be found in a dictionary.
No, a thesaurus does not give the etymology of a word. However, the etymology can be found in a dictionary.
It has a Latin etymology, but is also of French origin.
There is no such word. It is a Germanic-surname, but there is no etymology associated with it. See related links for more information.
What is the etymology of the word persecute its for my language homework
The etymology of cow is believed to originate from the Old English word, cu.
It is cited from the 1520's as a combination of "shuttle" and "cock". The etymology is obscure.
I'd like to know the etymology of that word.
Paisaje is a Spanish word that means landscape. Its etymology is that it is derived from the Latin word pagus.
The word gmial is not a word, and so discussing its etymology is pointless. One can't say where a word comes from if the word itself does not exist as a word in the English language.