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Q: Where else did the Israelites live in the previous 1000 years?
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Going before in time; being or happening before something else; antecedent; prior; as, previous arrangements; a previous illness.

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Going before in time; being or happening before something else; antecedent; prior; as, previous arrangements; a previous illness.

What did the Israelites credit when delivering the ten commandments?

This question makes no sense. The Israelites never delivered the Ten Commandments to non-Israelites either physically (i.e. gave them tablets or papers) or orally (in speeches or conversation). Jews traditionally credit God with the delivery of the Ten Commandments to the Jewish people, but this is something else entirely.

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Who was Deuteronomy chapter 28 speaking to?

The word 'deuteronomy means "repetition of the law" after 40 years when the people were about to enter Canaan, and Moses was reminding them of their history: although he was talking then specifically to physical Israelites, it also applies since then and today to Jews and spiritual Israelites as well, and Chapters 28 & 29 (the Blessings and Cursings chapters) apply to everyone else as well even if they are not Jewish or christian at all.

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i dont know anyone else know?

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All numbers between 1000 and 2000, or anywhere else, can be expressed as a power of another number.

How many times did the israelites turn from God?

I think 10, but I would like to hear someone else's answer.

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you make him pay it or else you will need to pay it.

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If you have any old PF slip or payslip, check if you can find it. Else, contacting your old company is the only option.

How much water is you your pool?

about 1000 imperial gallons in my pond - no idea about anyone else's