the words geometry comes from the greek word geometria.
Geometry comes from a Greek word meaning 'earth measurement'
Euclid came up with the most common form of geometry.
There is only one Filipino word for the English term 'geometry'. When 'geometry' is translated into Filipino, the word becomes 'heometriya'.
Andy will learn geometry in school.Algebra and geometry are both branches of mathematics.Here is an example sentence with the word "geometry": I used my skills in geometry to find the area of the field.And as a bit of a laugh:Without geometry, life is pointless.Geometry is an area of math that deals with shapes and angles.i taught my sister geometry.
the word geometry came from a greek word geo which means "earth" and metria which means "meaurements"
the words geometry comes from the greek word geometria.
Geometry comes from a Greek word meaning 'earth measurement'
the word geometry came from a greek word geo which means "earth" and metria which means "meaurements"
conclusion in geometry means the answer that you and your group came up to and that is what the word conclusion means in geometry.
Euclid came up with the most common form of geometry.
from what word deos the word geometry was derive from
Yes, the word 'geometry' is a noun, a word for a branch of mathematics; a word for a thing.
what does the word translation means in geometry
what does the word translation means in geometry
The suffix for geometry is "-metry."
There is only one Filipino word for the English term 'geometry'. When 'geometry' is translated into Filipino, the word becomes 'heometriya'.