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You can infer the value of pi from the biblical passages at 1 Kings 7:23 and at 2 Chronicles 4:2.

In the first passage, there is a reference to a "molten sea" that is 30 cubits in circumference but only 10 cubits in diameter. This would give a valuation of pi as 3.

In 2 Chronicles, the same measurements are given again. However, the "molten sea" is measured "brim to brim" in both tellings, whereas the circumference is measured outside the container, which in Chronicles is described as having a containing wall a "hands-breadth" thick.

There is an interesting investigation into this all at the link.

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Q: Where in the Bible is there an indication of the the value of piWhat was the approximate value?
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Where in the Bible is there an indication of the value pi and what was this approximate value?

Some would point to 2 Chronicles 4:12 and 1 Kings 7:23-26. See related link below:

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