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The x and y axes in the coordinate system intersects each at right angles at the point of origin which is at (0, 0)

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Q: Where intersects the x and Y in the coordinate system?
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Is the line that crosses the y-axis called a y-intercept or a x-intercept?

A line is just a line, but the y-coordinate (the point where the line intersects the y-axis) is termed the y intercept. This point has an x coordinate that is always zero and the y coordinate can be positive, zero, or negative

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The y coordinate is the vertical number line on the Cartesian plane that intersects with the horizotal x coordinate number line at right angles at the point of origin whose coordinates are (0, 0)

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The x and y axes intersect at the point of origin at (0, 0) on the Cartesian plane

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What is an example of an x -intercept?

An x-intercept is the point where a function intersects the x-axis on a Cartesian coordinate plane. For example, if the graph of a parabola is plotted and the graph intersects the x-axis on the coordinate plane, the point(s) where the graph intersects the x-axis are the x-intercepts for that function.

If you use a pair of x- and y-coordinates (x y) to represent a point in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system how would you represent a point in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system?

( x y z )

The intersection of x and y axis on a coordinate plane?

The x-axis typically intersects the y-axis in a coordinate plane at the origin, or 0,0. One can renumber either or both axis, resulting in a different intersection point, but that is usually done only in specialized cases.

What does the plane z equals x look like?

It intersects the x-y plane along the y-axis, and is at 45° angle to the x-y plane. If you rotate the axes so that x is horizontal, z is vertical, and y is pointing away from you, it will look like the line y = x in the xy coordinate system. See below z | | | |45°angle |/ y----------------x (y-axis is pointing away from you)

Find the x- and y-intercept of the line with equation -3x + 9y = 18?

Answer: The x-intercept of the line is -6 and the y-intercept of the line is 2. Solution: The x-intercept of a line is the x-coordinate of a point where the line intersects the x-axis. Solve for this by substituting y = 0. -3x + 9y = 18 -3x + 9(0) = 18 -3x = 18 x = 18/-3 x = -6 The y-intercept of a line is the y-coordinate of a point where the line intersects the y-axis. Solve for this by substituting x = 0. -3x + 9y = 18 -3(0) + 9y = 18 9y = 18 y = 18/9 y = 2

What are x-y coordinates?

They are an ordered pair of numbers that tell us where a point is on the x-y coordinate system.

What is a intersection of the a x axis and y axis in a coordinate system?

The origin.

What is the point at which a graph intersects the y-axis?

A graph intersects the y-axis at the y-intercept; its x value is zero.