I had a line number of 6694 in 2011 and sewed on 01 Mar 2012. its usually aroung 1,000 per month, give or take.
As a fraction the decimal number .01 is 1/100
01 = 1
1/99 = 0.01 01 01 .. .. 99 is a Kaprekar number (as is any string of 9s) : 992 = 9801 and 98 + 01 = 99
A time line is a number line of years
What's My Line - 1950 1956-01-01 was released on: USA: 1 January 1956
What's My Line - 1950 1967-01-01 was released on: USA: 1 January 1967
The number between .01 and .001 is .005. This number is found by taking the average of the two given numbers: (.01 + .001) / 2 = .011 / 2 = .005. This calculation represents the midpoint between the two values on the number line.
UK area codes always begin with 01 or 02. A 05 number is a phone line which runs from a broadband router. This in turn is run through a 01 or 02 number
I had a line number of 6694 in 2011 and sewed on 01 Mar 2012. its usually aroung 1,000 per month, give or take.
As a fraction the decimal number .01 is 1/100
As a fraction the decimal number .01 is 1/100
Yorkshire Line was created in 2011-01.
Hearts on the Line was created in 1981-01.
Slug Line was created in 1979-01.
The Longest Line was created on 1992-05-01.
Town Line was created on 2011-03-01.