It is the intersection of the Equator and the Prime Meridian, which occurs in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
0 degrees is cooler
A triangle of 180 degrees, 0 degrees and 0 degrees would resemble that of a straight line.
0 degree Fahrenheit = -17.8 degrees Celsius
0 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately -18 degrees Celsius, and 255 Kelvin
If you are asking what is the Fahrenheit temperature equivalent to 0 degrees Celsius, then it is 32 degrees.
South America
Latitude is measured on a map or globe in degrees, with the equator being 0 degrees and the North and South Poles being 90 degrees north and south, respectively.
To locate 15 degrees South, 45 degrees West on a map, start at the equator (0 degrees latitude) and count 15 degrees south. Then, from the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude), count 45 degrees west. The point where these lines intersect is the location you're looking for.
The name of 0 degrees longitude on a map is the Prime Meridian. It is the starting point for measuring longitude, dividing the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
0 degrees...
no they cannot paralles show distance from the equatorin degrees
Locations on the earth are conventionally given where line of longitude (east or west of Greenwich meridian which is 0 degrees)Meets line of latitude (north or south of the equator, which is 0 degrees)So 0 degrees (longitude), 50 degrees north (latitude):According to my world map, thats in the english channel, near Le Havre , Haute - Normandie, France.
The equator is located at 0 degrees latitude on a map grid, dividing the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Zero degrees
o degrees
The North Pole is at 90 degrees latitude on a map, specifically at 90 degrees north latitude.
0 degrees longitude