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It is in south west in South America and is 22,834 feet heigh and 6,960 meters heigh!

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Q: Where is Aconcagua and what is its height in feet and meters?
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What is the height of mt aconcagua?

Mt. Aconcagua is listed as being 6962 meters, or 22,840 feet high.

What is Mount Aconcagua's elevation in feet and meters?

The elevation of Aconcagua in feet and meters is... Feet: 22831 ft. Meter: 6962 m. The location of Aconcagua Mountain is Argentina in South America

What is mount Aconcagua s height above sea level?

Mount Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Andes Mountains and in South America, standing at an elevation of 22,841 feet (6,959 meters) above sea level.

What is the height of MtAconcagua?

Mt. Aconcagua is 6,962 meters or 22,841 feet tall. It's the tallest mountain in the Americas.

What is the height and location of aconcagua?

Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Andes and the highest mountain in the Western and Southern Hemispheres. It stands at 22841 feet (6962 meters) high located in the province of Mendoza Argentina. It is part of the Aconcagua Provincial Park and is located at 3238\'00"S 7001\'00"W. Height: 22841 feet (6962 meters) Location: Province of Mendoza Argentina Coordinates: 3238\'00"S 7001\'00"W

What is the tallest mountain in the western hemisphere?

The tallest mountain in the western hemisphere is Mount Aconcagua, located in the Andes mountain range in Argentina. It rises to an elevation of 22,841 feet (6,959 meters) above sea level.

What is the tallest mountain peak and range in the Andes?

The tallest peak is Mt. Aconcagua, a huge volcano tha 6,959 meters (22,831 feet) above sea level.

What is the height of Mount Aconagua?

The height of Mount Aconcagua is approximately 6,959 meters (22,831 feet) above sea level, making it the tallest mountain in both the Western and Southern Hemispheres.

Does Latin America have a great varity of elevation?

Yes. It ranges from -105 meters (-344 feet) on Laguna del Carbon, Argentina, up to the Aconcagua Mountain, also in Argentina with a height of 6,962 meters (22,826 feet) above sea level.

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Aconcagua, Argentina: 22,834 feet / 6960 meters

How tall is Aconcagua Mountain?

Aconcagua Mountain is approximately 6,961 meters (22,838 feet) tall, making it the highest mountain in both the Southern and Western Hemispheres.

What is the highest elevation in South America?

The highest elevation in South America is Cerro Aconcagua in Argentina with an elevation of 6,960 meters or 22,834.65 feet.