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Q: Where is eaths circumference greatest?
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Is 4.308 has the greatest circumference?

yes it is

Where is Earth's circumfrence greatest?

Earth's circumference is greatest at the equator, where it measures approximately 24,901 miles (40,075 kilometers). This is due to the Earth's shape being an oblate spheroid, which means it bulges at the equator and is flatter at the poles.

What are two equivalent fractions for three eaths?

Sorry, but I do not understand "eaths". You should have spell-checked the question before posting it.

What the name of the eaths moon?

The Moon

Which geometrical figure encloses the greatest area within the shortest circumference?

A circle.

What is the greatest area with a perimeter of 48cm?

The greatest area is that of a circle of circumference 48cm which is approximately 183.35 cm2. circumference = 2 x π x radius ⇒ radius = circumference/2π area = π x radius2 = π x (circumference/2π)2 = circumference2 ÷ (4π) = (48 cm)2 ÷ (4π) = 576/π cm ≈ 183.35 cm2

How and why is the eaths crust important to people?

It's what we live on.

How do you measure the diameter of a chicken drumstick?

The diameter is the width of the widest part, where the circumference is greatest.

Is pi the distance around a circle?

The greatest distance across a circle is its diameter.

Which part of the eaths interior is thought to be a spild?

the inner core

Do you live in the troposhere?

yes... it is the closest layer to the eaths surface

What is the eaths softest layer?

The mantle is the softest layer of the Earth.