Find the part of the ruler where the inch is divided into eight parts. Then count along seven. Seven eights is almost a whole inch. It is half a quarter MORE than three quarters.
The answer will depend on the line!
1/8 = 2/16 = 4/32 = 8/64
All you have to do is find the eighth marks, start at one inch, and find 5/8ths after the one.
An eighth of and inch is half of a quarter of an inch!
It's between the Seventh and the Ninth of an inch.
The answer will depend on the line!
1/8 = 2/16 = 4/32 = 8/64
Report the length as x inches to the nearest quarter of an inch.
A butterflies wing can start at about an eighth of an inch an increase to the wing span of an amazing 12 inches! That is a whole ruler!
All you have to do is find the eighth marks, start at one inch, and find 5/8ths after the one.
The one that came after the eighth ruler of course.
Between six inches and eight inches! 17.78 centimetres from the start.
There 4 eighth inches in a half inch and 8 eighth inches in an inch.
The one that came after the eighth ruler of course.
inch ruler