

Where is the Prime Meridean?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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12y ago

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Since the early 20th Century, the Prime Meridian has been agreed by all nations to be the meridian that passes through Greenwich, England. It is sometimes called the Greenwich Meridian.

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Does the prime meridean pass through France?

Yes it does.

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"240 degrees east of the Prime Meridian" places you at 120 degrees west longitude.

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What three continents does the Prime Meridean pass?

The Continent's it passes are Africa, Antarctica, and Europe

How many continents does the prime meridean run through?

Three: Europe, Africa,and Antarctica.

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It's a meridian, directly opposite the Prime Meridian.

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western, its just barely on the left side of the prime meridean

Where is prime meridean?

At zero degrees longitude. Only on one side, the other side is the international date line.

Is Benin east to prime meridean?

The prime meridian passes through Ghana and Benin is east of Ghana. So, it passes west of Benin. Hence Benin is east of prime meridian

Does the prime meridean pass through Spain France portugul?

It passes through France and the northeast corner of Spain but NOT Portugal.

All places on earth east from the prime meridean to 180?

That's the half of the earth's surface known as the "Eastern Hemisphere".